1) Optimize with Optimism!
A healthy perspective ignites resiliency. Research has shown a positive attitude and positive age beliefs can significantly lower your risk of developing dementia.
A positive attitude helps manage the cycles of life transitions with the ability to roll with the punches. One study found a positive attitude toward aging builds resilience to stress by lowering negative emotions that have been linked to increased cardiovascular health risks.
Generate a Cheerful Disposition and Smile Often!
Tips to Stimulate Optimism:
Take a Nature walk in a park or around your neighborhood and Smile! Smile at the birds, the beautiful sky, and those you pass along the way.

Laugh Often!
Practice seeing the funny in all things serious!
Share Laughter!
Laughter is contagious, and sharing laughter strengthens relationships.
2) Embrace Attitude of Gratitude!
Be Thankful! Thankful for your breath, trees, and soil that grows nutritious food supporting your health.
Practice naming three new things you are grateful for every day.
3) Eat ECO Smart!
Enjoy bright and colorful fruits and vegetables loaded with nutrients.
Eating a well-balanced diet increases energy and improves the ability to think clearly.
Sweet potatoes added to salads in replace of croutons?
Be creative and have fun!
Moderation is key!
Building a Healthy and Balanced Diet
Vegetables and fruits – ½ of your plate.
Whole grains – ¼ of your plate.
Healthy plant oils – in moderation.
Drink Water!!!
ECO Healthy Diet!
Know where your food comes from and support locally grown food when possible.
Use the Footprint Calculator and discover the environmental impact of your diet. See any areas to improve digesting an eco-conscious diet?
Healthy eating is good for us, but it is also good for the planet!
Animal-based foods have higher greenhouse gas emissions than plant-based foods. In addition to emissions, food production demands our natural resources; large agricultural operations contribute to biodiversity loss, species extinction, freshwater depletion, contamination, and deforestation.
Without a healthy planet, we can not enjoy healthy aging.
4) Keep Moving!
Balance-Fall Prevention
Endurance- Heart Health
Strength- Stronger Bones
Flexibility- Increases Mobility
It is never too late to get fit!
Make it Fun! Play! Sing! Dance! Garden! Jump with Joy!
Go on a Chicken Walk: I get some physical activity with my chickens every day! The Chicken Walks also stimulate a sense of humor, promoting internal jogging=LAUGHTER!

Dedicate at least 150 min per week or more for Movement:
Tai Chi, Brisk Walking, Hiking, Dancing, Yoga, Weight Lifting/Resistance Training, Swimming, Laughercise are some of my favorite ways to get circulation flow, increase flexibility and strength and improve overall well-being.
Physical activity boosts brainpower!
5) Brain Health:
The brain needs exercise just as the rest of the body does.
Dedicate to learning something daily!
Dancing is a beautiful way to stimulate the brain and get physical activity.
Eat a healthy diet filled with nutrients and be mindful; eat slowly and appreciate the food thoroughly.
Rest when needed!
Our brain restores energy when we rest.
Sleep is vital for 'brain plasticity,' which is our brain's ability to adapt to input. Our ability to process what we learned during the day and remember it in the future is negatively impacted by not getting enough sleep.
According to research, waste products from brain cells are removed during sleep, restoring and renewing our brain;
Sleep Revitalizes the Brain!
6) Social Capital:
Meaningful Engagement Promotes Vitality!
Enhances self-esteem!
Reduces risk of illness!
Creates happiness!
Lifelong learning, volunteering, and working- promote engagement with others while offering a sense of achievement.
To be Valued is a human need! Keep participating with all ages in your community-building solid social networks with neighbors, family, and friends.
Build a Community Garden!
Social activity includes time with pets and nature!

7) Safe Environments:
We are all aging in a climate-changing world.
Pay attention to fire and flood warnings and extreme heat and cold weather.
Have an evacuation plan and know your neighbors.
Keep important documents (passport, insurance information, contacts) in a safe and easy to access location.
Ensure your home is comfortable and easily accessible; make modifications as needed.
Keep extinguishers handy and ensure they are still usable.
8) Preventative Care:
Stay up-to-date with physicals and dental check-ups and understand your medications, including side effects.
Travel wise and be aware of possible scammers (mail, phone, or internet)
Prevent injury with awareness when engaging in different activities
Know Your Health Numbers
Save and extend your life!
Knowing your numbers can reduce obesity, heart disease, hypertension,
diabetes, and cancers.
Cholesterol: <200
Blood Pressure: 120/80
Maintaining a healthy blood pressure always helps maintain other numbers!
Blood Sugar: <100
Beans and legumes are healthy carbohydrates to keep blood sugar normalized
Body Mass Index: 18.5-24.9 Waist Circumference: <35
Ways to control BMI include physical activity, a well-balanced diet, and losing or gaining weight in a healthy way while consulting a medical provider.
9) Stress Management:
Identify what is causing the stress.
Is the stress avoidable? Are you able to reduce exposure or eliminate the stressor?
Brainstorm solutions and avoid worrying. Breathe Deep.
Stress harms every system of our body and mind.
Practice changing stressful situations when possible, avoiding the stressor altering the stressor.
Practice shifting immediate reactions to stressful situations; accepting or adapting to the stressor- and Breathe Deep!
Go for a Walk in Nature- Hug a Tree- Play with your dog
"Nature can bring you to stillness; that is its gift to you."
– Eckhart Tolle
10) Financial Success:
Budget! Try not to spend more than you earn!
Understand your income and monthly expenses and balance income and expenses; as much as possible. Seek a financial advisor if needed.
Be a savvy shopper and savvy saver!
Understand the difference between needs and wants.
11) Sleep:
Sleep is vital not only for our brains but for our bodies.
Health risks rise when we do not get enough sleep:
High blood pressure increases, depression worsens, immunity is compromised, and an increased likelihood of illness and infection.
Sleep repairs muscles, regulates hormones and metabolism and improves memory and learning ability.
The best part of a good night's sleep is you awake feeling refreshed and ready to engage in a new day fully!
12) Nature Time for YOU:
Dedicate time outdoors every day—even just 10min.
"Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are."
– Gretel Ehrlich
